Notes for tenders
If you want to procure an ISMS tool and do so as part of a tender, you should set the following conditions for modern software, which the new verinice.veo will of course fulfill from the end of Q1 2025. At this stand only verinice will meet all of these requirements.
- The ISMS tool supports the following domains:
- BSI IT-Grundschutz and BCM according to BSI 200-4
- ISO 27001 and BCM according to ISO 22301
- Data protection according to GDPR
- Implementation of the EU Directive NIS 2 and the German NIS2UmsuCG
- TISAX mechanism according to standard VDA-ISA
- The ISMS tool is fully licensed as Open Source software.
- The software can therefore not be discontinued by the manufacturer and cannot be withdrawn from the market.
- The software source code is freely accessible on the Internet, for example on GitHub.
- The Software Bill of Materials - SBOM is freely accessible on the Internet.
- The ISMS tool can be operated as a hosting solution (aka “cloud”) and, if configured and integrated correctly, meets the requirements of the EU NIS-2 directive, the ISO 27001 standard and the BSI C5 criteria catalog.
- The software is licensed by the BSI for the BSI IT-Grundschutz.
- The ISMS tool can be used without customizing or other adjustments directly after the standard installation.
- There is a partner network of the software manufacturer with specialist consultants trained and certified for this software.
- The ISMS tool is programmed according to the specifications of DIN EN 301549 and WCAG 2.1 with professional/technical reasons for any necessary deviations from the standard.
- The software is regularly subjected to a pentest by independent security experts - at least every two years - and the results are published freely on the Internet.
- When used “on-prem” at the customer's premises, the software's user administration can be integrated into the customer's IAM (Active Directory, LDAP, etc.).
- The manufacturer provides an API for analysis with BI tools such as Power BI or Metabase, both on-prem and in the cloud.
If you are interested, please feel free to send us an email or use the contact form!