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Get in touch with the verinice support

You need support with your verinice Our support team is available to help you in the best possible way. We solve your questions and concerns quickly and efficiently.

You already have a support contract with SerNet GmbH? 

You are a new customer or do not yet have a support contract.

You use verinice as SaaS?
Check the status of the servers. We will inform you in good time about planned maintenance windows and possible downtimes to ensure smooth use.

Do you need functional ISMS support for verinice?
Find the right contact in the verinice partner network. Feel free to contact our partner management team if you have any questions!

You want to exchange ideas about verinice?
The verinice team maintains the for the verinice community. The forum is the place for your questions and findings, for exchange and knowledge transfer. Here you have direct contact to users and developers.

Bitte folgende Logfiles beifügen:
  • %USERPROFILE%\verinice\workspace\log\verinice-client.log
  • %USERPROFILE%\verinice\workspace\.metadata\.log
  • %USERPROFILE%\verinice\workspace\log\verinice-report.log
Fügen Sie bitte hier das Logfile /usr/share/tomcat[6]/logs/verinice-server.log bei.
Falls die Datei SNCA.xml angepasst wurde, bitte diese hier beifügen.
Hier haben Sie die Möglichkeit, dem verinice.TEAM eine weitere Datei – z.B. Screenshots – zu übermitteln.