Partner Programme
Consultancy and support

The Partner Network

The network of verinice partners consists of consultants who work intensively with verinice and the various information security standards. verinice partners provide consulting and help with project implementation as well as training and education. The network also includes resellers who focus on selling verinice.

The partner network is managed and expanded by the verinice team and SerNet GmbH. This includes the qualification and certification of partners. SerNet is also exclusively responsible for the technical and functional development of verinice and for technical support – the verinice partners are the first point of contact for all other matters.

Are you looking for support and the right verinice partner? Use the partner locator

Are you interested in the partner programme and would like to become part of this network? Read on!

Partner Management

The admission of interested parties as verinice partners is done through the partner management. This monitors the respective status as an expert, contributor or reseller and also organises the necessary qualification and certification.

Customers can also contact the partner management directly at any time with questions, comments and complaints. We are happy to take care of your concerns. By email:

Status: Expert, Contributor or Reseller

The verinice team makes it as easy as possible for customers and partners to find their way around. All partners are assigned to one of the following three categories, which are also clearly marked in the partner locator.

The verinice expert status requires a corresponding qualification or certification. These consultants have many years of practical experience with, for example, IT-Grundschutz and ISO27001, as well as extensive knowledge of verinice. They can provide support with the introduction of verinice and the establishment of an ISMS.

verinice Expert Icon

Contributors actively participate in the further development of verinice and supervise customer projects that are special in nature and/or scope. They maintain particularly close contact with the verinice team and also contribute their own content that helps all users.

Contributor Icon

verinice resellers focus on selling verinice.PRO subscriptions. Resellers can become certified verinice experts by qualifying.

Benefits as verinice partner

As a verinice partner, you have the following benefits, among others. Please feel free to contact partner management at any time to find out about all the advantages and to clarify any questions.

  • discounted verinice.PRO subscription for your own use in consulting projects
  • special conditions for resale (commission etc.)
  • listing as an official verinice partner on the verinice website (after providing all required content for the partner profiles: service matrix, logo, profile picture)
  • Option to sell own content/solutions via the verinice.SHOP
  • Support for customer projects (based on the mandatory support contract for verinice.PARTNER)
  • Access to the exclusive partner area in the verinice.FORUM
  • Inclusion in the e-mail distribution list for partners for the purpose of:
    • Information about news in and around verinice.
    • Exchange of project offers and requests with the verinice team or other verinice partners
  • Participation in partner activities:
    • regular partner meetings
    • joint trade fair appearances with SerNet GmbH
    • sponsoring options for verinice.XP


The verinice team offers regular training courses that focus on how to use the tool and how to set up an ISMS. These training courses cover all relevant aspects and provide participants with practical knowledge on how to use verinice in their projects. 

After successfully completing the training and passing the exam, participants receive a certificate as a verinice expert. They then receive the corresponding partner status upon signing the partner agreement.

Information on the next training and examination opportunities can be obtained from Partner Management.

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