Frequently asked questions about verinice

Do you have questions about verinice? Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our GRC tool. We are constantly expanding the catalog of questions and answers. Not found the right answer yet? Please use the contact form or email us directly

In particular, if you have further questions about how to use verinice, the verinice forum is also a useful place to go. 


When the developers of verinice started project "next generation", they were looking for a short and catchy project name. They chose "veo" – Spanish for "I see". We have decided to use this name to distinguish the previous verinice software and the new approach as "verinice.veo". SerNet's hosting offering is available at veo.verinice.com or short: veo.cloud.

The new generation continues the tradition started by the first verinice program in 2006 and has also been released under an open source license, in this case the A-GPL license. The source code is freely available on GitHub. The verinice API is also documented there.

This philosophy is also supported by constant contact with users. It is always possible to exchange ideas with an interested community in the verinice forum or to contact the development team

Mit dem Namen Domäne bezeichnen wir die Anwendungsfelder in verinice für GRC, ISMS, DSMS oder BCMS :

  • Datenschutz nach DS-GVO
  • EU-Richtlinie NIS 2
  • BSI IT-Grundschutz
  • ISO 27001
  • TISAX nach VDA-ISA
  • BCM nach BSI-Standard 200-4 / 
    ISO 22301

Diese von verinice unterstützten Domänen sind in praktisch zusammengestellten Bundles abonnierbar:

  • Bundle NIS2 umfasst die Domäne NIS 2
  • Bundle Datenschutz umfasst die Domänen DSGVO, NIS 2
  • Bundle Grundschutz umfasst die Domänen BSI IT-Grundschutz, NIS 2, DSGVO und BCM BSI 200-4
  • in 2025: Bundle ISO umfasst die Domänen ISO 27001, NIS 2, DSGVO, TISAX und BCM ISO 22301
  • in 2025: Bundle TISAX umfasst die Domänen TISAX, NIS 2

Unit is the term we use in verinice to describe clients that can be flexibly subscribed to according to individual requirements. Units are also used to manage separate structures of an organization or to set up and evaluate test environments, e.g. the demo profiles that are often available in verinice. Therefore, the basic configuration of a new subscription is "2 units", so that there is always space for testing in

The first account in a new verinice subscription is the "main account", which always has full rights in a verinice instance. You can subscribe additional users for collaboration in the system in groups of 5 and then create them as named user accounts via the main account in the system.

The number of users and units can be customized for each verinice bundle, e.g. in the cloud variant provided by SerNet at account.verinice.com.

If verinice is installed locally ("on premise") in your organization, please ask your system administrator how to access verinice.

If you want to use our cloud service at veo.verinice.com, you must first purchase a subscription:

  1. Create a purchase account in the subscription portal: account.verinice.com
  2. Subscribe to an EVAL version or a paid bundle free of charge, optionally additional units and further users.
  3. Activate your subscription by creating the main account for the specialist application in the portal and processing the verification email in your mailbox.
  4. You can then start using this main account directly in the specialist application, which is linked here:veo.verinice.com.
  5. In the specialist application, you then create the purchased additional users with the desired names and mail addresses and activate the additional units. (Please note that each new account in the specialist application is checked by a verification email before you can log in for the first time).

You and your users can access the verinice application via veo.verinice.com and the "LOGIN" link. You can access the subscription portal via the "REGISTER" link.

Regular maintenance windows are planned for verinice.cloud, during which the service may not be available: 

Mon & Thu, 21:00 - 00:00

You can also check the current status of the servers.

If you still have problems, please contact our support.

Eval bundle give you free and non-binding access to all included domains and features. You have 30 days to test. The subscription ends automatically after these 30 days.

  • If you decide in favor of verinice: You can convert the trial version into a paid subscription at any time within the 30 days. To do this, simply purchase the full product and take all your data from the evaluation with you!
  • If you decide not to continue using the software: Simply leave everything as it is. After the 30-day trial, we deactivate your account in the purchasing portal and after a further 30 days, all the data you have entered in the specialist application will be deleted

Please note our General Terms and Conditions!

verinice Standalone / verinice.PRO

More than 30,000 customers have installed and used the verinice single-user version as a stand-alone program. This is still possible until the end of 2027. The same applies to the previous application server verinice.PRO, which will also be supported until the end of 2027.

Six months after the release of a new verinice domain, the verinice team will provide options for migrating from the verinice single-user version or verinice.PRO to the new verinice generation.

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