
Hands-on verinice screencasts

From installing and working with verinice to importing OpenVAS scans: 16 screencasts, produced by Nils Ulltveit-Moe, guide users through the OpenSource information security management system (ISMS). They're all available via YouTube.

The tutorials demonstrate, for example, how to add threats and vulnerabilities, how to create risk scenarios and risk assessment reports or how to add documents and design workflows. They also introduce the Spanish open standard MAGERIT. By this the course utilises the verinice feature to implement additional catalogues and content.

Ulltveit-Moe is Associate Professor at the University of Agder (Norway). His screencasts and the associated verinice course are part of PRECYSE (Prevention, protection and reaction to cyber-attacks to critical infrastructures) – an European research funded project "that defines, develops and validates a methodology, an architecture and a set of technologies and tools to improve the security, reliability and resilience of the ICT systems supporting the Critical Infrastructures".

The verinice.TEAM is delighted about the screencasts and some of the approaches. We encourages other verinice users to explore the tool, put it to use and contribute to the community content as well.

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