
Subscribe to the verinice manual

As of now the manual for the free open source tool verinice. is available at the verinice Online Shop. verinice helps you to handle the management of information security.

Over 150 pages explain the operation of the Client for Windows, Mac and Linux, describe the web frontend and give many instruction for the operation of the verinice.PRO server.

Separate chapters deal with the topics "Methods for Risk Management",
working withe the different perspectives, "Privacy", "Basic protection", "ISM / ISO" and "VDA" especially for the users in the Automotive sector.

The manual is only available as subscription and is distributed as PDF. For 49.98 Euros, customers get a one-year-access to the documentation maintained by SerNet. The manual is free for users of verinice.PRO.

We do not sell paper that is already outdated at the time of delivery. Rather, customers have the opportunity to download the current PDF up to the last day of their subscription.

With the manual SerNet tries to transfer the successful open source distribution model of the update subscriptions to the documentation as well.

Visit to shop the offer.

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