The VDesigner 1.5.2 is available for all users of verinice.PRO. As a standalone software package, it provides advanced users with the ability to customize the verinice report templates and enables them to create own report templates.
The VDesigner allows:
- to change logos, page headers, fonts and layout related aspects in reports
- to filter table content according to various criteria, to sort, and to aggregate results
- to work on existing or own charts with the integrated wizard
- to add your own object properties (customizing) in existing tables
- complex issues (nested tables, own queries)
The VDesigner is based on the open source BIRT framework. Users who already have experience using the BIRT report designer will find their way in VDesigner quickly.
The Designer is downloadable from the repository in the verinice.PRO VDesigner folder. There you can also find a quick guide with some examples as well as the templates of the reports contained in verinice.