
verinice 1.11 released

Version 1.11 of the ISMS tool verinice has been released. verinice now implements the open source framework Elasticsearch, which enables full-text search. verinice- and verinice.PRO users are automatically alerted to the new version; manual download is available. 

With version 1.11 verinice and verinice.PRO received a search function, and all objects can be found quickly now. The framework Elasticsearch is employed for the full-text search, which is also used e.g. by Wikimedia. Search results can also be exported as a CSV file. 

The verinice.TEAM has made extensive improvements on the GSTOOL import. Speed and memory consumption were enhanced, thus optimizing the support for large GSTOOL databases. With some of the biggest GSTOOL databases in Germany already imported, verinice now even accepts those with sizes of 1 gigabyte and more "in one go". The GSTOOL was the official but now deprecated software tool published by the German BSI for its IT-Baseline standard.


For details on the new features and improvements please see the release notes to verinice 1.11 Please note the listing of changed configuration files under the heading "How to Update".

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