Kay Jackisch
Wielandstr. 7
DE-04910 Elsterwerda
kay.jackisch@ controllingconsult.com
+49 3533-620526
- German BSI IT Baseline Protection: Audits
- German BSI IT-Baseline Protection: Structuring an ISMS
- BSI IT-Grundschutz: Beratung und Consulting
- German BSI Standard 200-2: Creation of IT Security Concepts
- German BSI Standard 200-3: Risk Analysis and Risk Management
- German BSI Standard 200-4: Emergency Management and Planning
- ISO 27001: Audits
- ISO 27001: Structuring an ISMS
- ISO 27001: Consulting
- ISO 27004: Information Security Controlling / Security KPI (ISO 27004)
- ISO 27005: Risk Analysis and Risk Management
- Workshops, Training, Coaching
- Sensibility and Awareness
- Data Protection Auditor
- IT-Grundschutz-Praktiker/In
Business sectors
- Automotive
- Energy Supply
- Trading
- Industry Sector
- IT-Services
- Logistics
- Machinery and Plant Engineering
- Media and Publishing
- Public Administration
- Data Center
- Manufacturing
- Software- and Hardware Vendors
- Technology Companies
- Trade Associations
- Other Service Providers
ControllingConsult has been serving clients in the areas of BigData, quality management and information security for over 15 years. Together with our partners, we advise customers on a company- and industry-specific basis in the development of management systems and data analysis solutions.